
M48A5 Patton X

Overall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: Average
  • Armour Effectiveness
  • Beginner Friendliness
  • Gun Handling
  • Speed / Mobility
  • Ease of marking
  • Ammunition

Community average ratings in 469 votes

  • Overall (3.26)
  • Fun (3.25)

Community average ratings for tier V+ vehicles

Vehicle changelog

September 7, 2024

Modified: Equipment main from Improved Aiming to Vertical Stabilizer, secondary Improved Ventilation to Vertical Stabilizer

September 4, 2024

  • Link to Patchnotes 1.26
  • The Continental AVDS-1790-2D gasoline engine has been added
  • The Continental AV-1790-7B gasoline engine has been removed
  • Dispersion of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 0.36 to 0.35 m
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun M68 in the M48A5 Patton turret has been changed from 1.9 to 1.8 s
  • Top speed has been changed from 45 km/h to 48 km/h

September 25, 2023

Modified: Crew Skills : all updated and new 6 skills layout