
T54E1 IX

Overall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: AverageOverall rating: Average

Twitch highlights

  • Armour Effectiveness
  • Beginner Friendliness
  • Gun Handling
  • Speed / Mobility
  • Ease of marking
  • Ammunition

Community average ratings in 325 votes

  • Overall (3.21)
  • Fun (3.49)

Community average ratings for tier V+ vehicles

Vehicle changelog

September 25, 2023

Modified: Crew Skills : all updated and new 6 skills layout

September 6, 2023

  • Link to Patchnotes 1.22
  • Penetration of the AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun T178 has been changed from 181 to 200 mm
  • Penetration of the HEAT-T M348 shell for the 90 mm Gun T178 has been changed from 250 to 280 mm

April 22, 2020

  • Link to Patchnotes 1.9
  • Changed the vehicle type from Medium to Heavy tank
  • Changed the traverse speed of the T54E1 suspension from 44 to 38 deg/s
  • Changed the traverse speed of the T54E1M2 suspension from 46 to 40 deg/s
  • Decreased dispersion on turret traverse of the 105 mm Gun T140E2 gun in the T157 turret by 29%
  • Changed the penetration value of the HVAPDS-T T279 shell for the 105 mm Gun T140E2 gun from 255 to 310 mm
  • Changed the penetration value of the AP-T T182E1 shell for the 105 mm Gun T140E2 gun from 210 to 248 mm
  • Changed the top speed from 43.5 to 35 km/h
  • Decreased the repair cost by 6%
  • Increased profitability by 7%
  • Changed the vehicle durability with the T157 turret from 1750 to 1850 HP